GFCW Reaching the World - Donate NOW! All major credit cards accepted by clicking on the "Donate" button below!
Serving 100's of Thousands
Supplying 10's of Thousands
Several times weekly thousands of the needy in many different counties, towns, and cities are given free cost food, drinks, clothing, cosmetics, toiletries, school supplies, toys, appliances, furniture, etc. The need in the USA is so GREAT! The whole mission of God's Final Call and Warning is to serve humanity Spiritually, Mentally, Physically, and Materially.
Optimized Process
Serving our neighbors in need is the essence of what Christ was and is! Let's band together and do the work of God, by serving our fellowman who is in need. GREAT Blessings come to all those who bless others as a way of life.
Many communities/neighborhoods depend of GFCW weekly/monthly! God be our HELP!
Please donate weekly/monthly generously! This operation cost at least 10,000 monthly and it is growing daily!
Flexible Utilization
The needs of Gods Final Call and Warning are two 26 foot trucks, one forklift, 2 pallets jacks, 300 feet of pallet racks, a much larger storage and packing location, and a much large budget for maintenance, gas, fees, deliveries, and repairs. All our workers are volunteers! Let God be generous through YOU TODAY!! PLEASE!
God's Final Call and Warning, Inc.
Worldwide Ministry/International Message
273 MIll Creek Lane
Chatham, VA 24531
Cell 434-429-7175 Email: