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The Global Mission
The Global Mission
Dear Disciple in Christ:
We praise and thank God for the eternal salvation freely given to us by faith alone, through grace alone, in Christ alone.We will praise and thank God throughout the ceaseless ages of eternity for His disinterested love towards us when we were without spiritual strength or genuine moral worth.
We are in the last hour of this world's existence.We who are sons and daughters of God have a commission given to us by the Master.We must begin to seriously and diligently finish the work of God in a lost world.Every member of the body of Christ must fulfill his/her function in the body.There is no more time for relaxed nonchalant Christianity.We must return to the old time primitive discipleship which forsook all other priorities. They labored with all their energies and with all they owned for the kingdom of heaven's sake.
God's Final Call and Warning, Inc.
Worldwide Ministry/International Message
273 MIll Creek Lane
Chatham, VA 24531
Cell 434-429-7175 Email: