In advance God's Final Call and Warning, Inc. wants to thank you/your business for your valuable time, patient consideration, and sacrificial support. For the record this communication is not random or inadvertent, rather it is a solid and beneficial part of destiny. It is heaven ordained and divinely ordered. At this point in the evolution of all things it has been appointed by Infinite Intelligence that we cooperate in the worldwide vision and mission of God's Final Call and Warning, Inc. We will together touch the entire world with the blessing of moral enlightenment and eternal hope.
We here at God's Final Call and Warning, Inc. have one vision and mission. We have one goal, purpose and objective. We have one mind, and one heart, and one spirit. This is to uplift declining humanity. No one at God's Final Call and Warning, Inc. presently receives a salary. Rather, we all live and practice self-sacrifice for the good of humanity. When future demands commands fulltime laborers, we will be fair, but pay only enough to subsist, for our goal in life and reason for living is to perform God's will through blessing, helping, and serving humanity. We look for great riches and splendid comfort and pleasure, not now, but when God grants us our eternal reward. We work for the eternal future, not the gains of temporary riches, comforts and pleasures. In living this way there is internal contentment, joy, peace, and a strong certainty of an eternal hope and future. Together, we will inspire millions/billions with this humanitarian living eternal hope!!!
Please, kindly respond to our solicitation request. An initial donation of $1 - $10 - $100 -$1,000 - $10,000 - $100,000 - $1,000,000, etc. is sincerely and earnestly requested and needed. Further we want to establish an on-going systematic arrangement of receiving support from you/your business. Please contact us and inform us of your wise, kind, and generous decision and arrangements. Remember, though this is a humanitarian charitable action and blessing, it is equally a very wise business transaction. Because of our tax-exempt status with the IRS and the State of Maryland, your response is humanitarian, very profitable and tex-exempt. It is a win-win situation and transaction.
May God move your spirit and heart to yoke up with God's Final Call and Warning, Inc. in this needed and great humanitarian and uplifting moral character mission for the eternal benefit of all the earth.
In the Infinite Spirit,
Ralph J. Rhyne